Charles Clorley, Code Enforcement & Zoning Officer
Code Enforcement
The Township has ordinances regulating the accumulation of debris, high grass or vegetation, unsafe structures and the storage of vehicles that are unlicensed or unregistered. Code Enforcement is responsible for taking and investigating complaints, issuing notices of violation and attending any hearings.
If you have a concern or questions about a property or property maintenance codes, please contact the Township office for Code Enforcement issues.
Zoning Administration
Click here to view the Zoning Map
The Zoning Administrator –
- interprets and enforces all the regulations and provisions of the Zoning Code.
- accepts applications and issues zoning permits for construction or building projects
- can also issue Notices for violations of the zoning code, issue stop work orders and impose late filing fees.
Before you begin any construction, please contact the Zoning Administrator to review your project and plans. A zoning permit is required before beginning construction. You may leave a message with the Zoning Secretary (814-899-2305) and your call will be returned.
If your construction project requires digging you will need to contact Pa. One Call at 1-800-242-1776. Pennsylvania requires three working days notice prior to your dig time and this is a free service to homeowners. Hitting a utility line can be costly for the homeowner so it is best to contact PA One Call. See PA One Call for further information.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has enacted the Uniform Construction Code (UCC). For further information, see the Q&A below.
The Zoning codes are available at the Township Office.
Erie County’s website, through the tax assessment records, may have a drawing of your property which could assist you when you are completing a building/zoning application.