The Township in its 1.84 square miles has approximately 11 miles of Township roads and alleys that it maintains. The State roads (East Lake Road, Iroquois Avenue, Main Street, Water Street and Nagle Road) are maintained by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Street Resurfacing
For more than thirty years, the Township has had an aggressive street rehabilitation program in addition to the annual street maintenance for its streets and alleys. In fall or winter the Commissioner of Streets, with the engineer, reviews and formulates the rehabilitation project for the following year. The Township spends approximately $70-90,000 for that year’s project and tax dollars fund the majority of the project with approximately $9-12,000 coming from Erie County liquid fuel funds. The average life of a street is approximately 30 years, with maintenance, so at that point the rehabilitation (or reconstruction) of the street will be done. Street reconstruction has also occurred during sewer projects.
Street Snowplowing
The Township contracts this service out. If you have any concerns regarding the snow plowing, please call the Township office (814-899-2305, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.) or the Police Department, after office hours.
Street Lights
Street lights are installed and maintained by Penelec. Street light outages can be reported to the Township Office at 814-899-2305 or directly to Penelec. Please have the pole number, if available, or the nearest address to report the outage.
Street Signs
If a street name sign is missing, please report it to the Township office at 899-2305. If a traffic sign, such as speed limit, is missing please report it to the Police Department at 898-1634.
Street Cut Permits
If you are planning on widening your drive or any construction which will cut or remove the street or curb, you are required to obtain a Street Cut Permit from the Township. Applications are available at the Township office.