- June 19- Heather & Denny Nemenz
- July 17 – Angelo Phillips & Amy Miller
- August 15 – Jim Criswell, Elvis Tribute Artist
Time: 7 – 9 PM
Gazebo Concerts are free and held at the gazebo in Beute Park, and are dependent on the weather. Bring your blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy some great music with your family, friends and neighbors!
Please note:
Ordinance 610.01: “No person shall consume any alcoholic beverage or be in the possession of any alcoholic beverage in an open container in any public park in the Township of Lawrence Park.”
Ordinance 616.02: It shall be the duty of the owner, custodian or keeper, or the parent or guardian of any minor owner, custodian or keeper, of any dog, to keep the dog secured on a leash or chain not more than six feet in length any time the dog is on Township property or parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, mini-malls, school grounds, sidewalks, roadways, alleys or planted areas of the Township.

June 13 – Family Night!
- 7:30 – 8:30 PM – Bruce Kikola – Bruce will be walking around entertaining the crowd with his Magic before the Laserganza Show
- 9:00 PM – Laserganza Laser Show, music by DJ Ray

Dances are held in the Iroquois Elementary School parking lot from 7 to 10 pm. Music by DJ Ray.
- July 3
- August 5 – National Night Out and the Color Dance