Interested in being a Crossing Guard?  Pay is $13.30 per hour!  Call Sara at the Township Office (899-2305) for more information.

Zoning Officer Hour Change:  starting 11/13, Zoning Officer Mark Kukla’s new office hours will be Tuesdays from 3:00 to 6:00 pm, or by appointment.

We all know what winters are like in our area.  Please be respectful of your neighbors and be diligent about shoveling your walks.  Remember that children and other residents are walking to and from school and work.

Reminder:  Snow or ice removed from sidewalks and/or driveways shall not be placed, shoveled or blown onto public rights-of-way, including streets and alleys.

Using Caution During Winter Weather (from PENNDOT)

The Township Municipal Office Holiday Schedule is as follows:

  • Thanksgiving – Closed

  • Christmas Eve – Open until Noon

  • Christmas Day – Closed

  • New Year’s Eve – Open until Noon

  • New Year’s Day – Closed

Landlord Tenant Registration Form 2018-19

Landlord Ordinances

Quick Links:


The Township currently has vacancies to be filled on the Zoning Hearing Board, the Planning Commission, and the Tree Commission.   Consider using your time and talents and volunteer to serve in your community.  Contact the Township Office for details at 899-2305.  (Tree Commission meetings are cancelled until vacancies are filled.)