AN ORDINANCE of the Township of Lawrence Park in the County of Erie, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, amending the Codified Ordinances of the Township of Lawrence Park, Part Ten – Streets, Utilities and Public Services, Title Four, Chapter 1044, (“Chapter 1044”) by adjusting the Township’s sewer service and sewer usage charge within the Township.

WHEREAS, Pursuant to Chapter 1044.03, and its subsections (a), (b) and (c) thereof, the Township has previously established and regulated the sewer service and sewer usage charges for users of such services within the Township;

WHEREAS, from time to time, Township Ordinances have been revised and restated;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 1044.01, the establishment of appropriate charges for services provided by and within the Township has been regulated in order to assure the fairness and consistency of the amounts charged;

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners desires to amend the existing Ordinance to more accurately reflect the cost of providing such services to Township residents and businesses;

WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined that it is reasonable and desirable to modify the existing Streets, Utilities and Public Services Code by amending the existing sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of Chapter 1044.03;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it ORDAINED and ENACTED, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Commissioners of the Township of Lawrence Park, Erie County, Pennsylvania, that Chapter 1044.3, subparagraphs (a)), (b) and (c), be amended to read as follows;

(a) Sewer Service Charges. The sewer service charge for all customers per quarter (other than Wabtec which shall be $54.22 per EDU) shall be $39.34 per EDU (equivalent dwelling usage). EDUs shall be established annually by Board of Commissioner resolution. EDUs for all customers shall be determined as follows:

  • Single Family Dwelling:  1 EDU
  • Each multi-family dwelling unit or apartment unit:  1 EDU
  • Each mobile home unit with a mobile home park:  1 EDU
  • Commercial establishment containing, attached to, or appended to a residential unit:  1 EDU
  • Commercial, industrial, public – to be determined by meter service size as follows:
    • Meter/Service size (in inches):
      • 5/8:  1 EDU
      • 3/4:  1 EDU
      • 1:  2.5 EDU
      • 1-1/2:  5 EDU
      • 2:  8 EDU
      • 3:  16 EDU
      • 4:  25 EDU
      • 6:  50 EDU
      • 8:  80 EDU
      • 10:  115 EDU
      • 12:  165 EDU

(b) Sewer Usage Charges.  The Board of Commissioners has established a sewer usage charge per quarter for all connections based on the customer’s actual usage per 100 cubic feet (CCF) and over as follows:

  • Three month’s usage increments (cubic feet) – all usage up to 2,000 – Rate per 100 Cubic Feet  (CCF):  $3.71
  • Three month’s usage increments (cubic feet) – all usage over 2,100 – Rate per 100 Cubic Feet  (CCF):   $2.60

(c) Sewer Usage Charge/Wabtec; The Board of Commissioners has established a sewer usage charge per quarter for all Wabtec connections based on a rate of $6.14 per 100 cubic feet (CCF).

(d) The Three Months’ Usage Rate Schedule and other provisions contained in this section shall apply to all bills for sewer usage dated January 1, 2025, and thereafter.

ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Lawrence Park, Erie County, Pennsylvania this 11th day of December, 2024

ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Lawrence Park, Erie County, Pennsylvania this 11th day of December, 2024